Women's National Book Association Hosted AWWP

WNBA Temescal LibraryThe Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) hosted The Afghan Women’s Writing Project (AWWP) last Saturday afternoon at the Temescal Branch Library in Oakland. A small, but enthusiastic group attended. The AWWP was founded in 2009 by American author and journalist, Marsha Hamilton. The project provides women writers in Afghanistan to join together in secure, online workshops and are mentored by American professional writers and educators. A curriculum for personal exploration and reflection on the themes of love and forgiveness was designed to assist groups and individuals to explore their personal relationships through writing.

The curriculum provides a rich array of weekly material from which facilitators can choose what is best suited to their groups’ goals for self and social reflection. The Afghan participants want to write and find that it helps to release their feelings regarding the extreme difficulties they’ve had in their lives.  If anyone is interested in supporting the project or for working as a teacher or in some other capacity, or if one would like to receive the poems and essays that are published each week, go https://awwproject.org


Photo by Teresa LeYung Ryan

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For over twenty-five years, I've taught elementary grades, high school, and county special education classes. Now I am a field supervisor for teachers working toward their teaching credentials. I also teach writing classes in Dublin and Pleasanton, California. I have won 5 awards in short story contests, My stories are published in The California Writers Club Literary Review, and several anthologies including four times in Las Positas College collections. I have several book projects, but the two that have my immediate attention are HADA'S FOG, which is women's fiction, LILLI, a YA novel, and NORMAN IN THE PICTURE, a paranormal mystery. I have published an anthology WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES that includes writings from members of my writing classes and other writers. It's available on Amazon and Kindle.

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