San Francisco Writers Conference Anthology Panel

The San Francisco Writers Conference begins Thursday, February 13th. I’ll be volunteering at the registration desk again and this year I will be speaking on an anthology panel with Barbara Santos, Kate Farrell, and Camille Cusumano. I’ll have Written Across the Genres with me to talk about the experience of putting that book together.

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For over twenty-five years, I've taught elementary grades, high school, and county special education classes. Now I am a field supervisor for teachers working toward their teaching credentials. I also teach writing classes in Dublin and Pleasanton, California. I have won 5 awards in short story contests, My stories are published in The California Writers Club Literary Review, and several anthologies including four times in Las Positas College collections. I have several book projects, but the two that have my immediate attention are HADA'S FOG, which is women's fiction, LILLI, a YA novel, and NORMAN IN THE PICTURE, a paranormal mystery. I have published an anthology WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES that includes writings from members of my writing classes and other writers. It's available on Amazon and Kindle.

3 thoughts on “San Francisco Writers Conference Anthology Panel”

  1. Is this the same writer’s workshop that Doreen Virtue will be attending? It has been such a pleasure to witness the unfolding of this book. What a wonderful gift to have heard your affirmations, and now to see the product of your manifestation!


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