Braving Memories by Julie Royce

Julie Royce’s story, Headed North on a Southern Highway will be published in the Times They Were A-Changing Anthology available in August. The anthology theme is Women remember the 60’s and 70’s.

Editor Kate Farrel prefaced Royce’s blog post with: Julie Royce is the winner of Prose Second Honorable Mention. Julie discusses the courage it took for her to write and then submit her personal story.

Julie Royce

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For over twenty-five years, I've taught elementary grades, high school, and county special education classes. Now I am a field supervisor for teachers working toward their teaching credentials. I also teach writing classes in Dublin and Pleasanton, California. I have won 5 awards in short story contests, My stories are published in The California Writers Club Literary Review, and several anthologies including four times in Las Positas College collections. I have several book projects, but the two that have my immediate attention are HADA'S FOG, which is women's fiction, LILLI, a YA novel, and NORMAN IN THE PICTURE, a paranormal mystery. I have published an anthology WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES that includes writings from members of my writing classes and other writers. It's available on Amazon and Kindle.

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